GPT MOLD CO., Ltd (HUIZHOU PLATING BRANCH),is one of China leading manufacturers in plastic electroplating components in automotive industry.
Throughout the trend of development of the industry, market demand for plated components will inevitably head toward diversification of chrome finishes and plated material. Besides ABS plating and PC/ABS plating, GPT is also capable of providing customers with special surface treatment including PA plating, 2K parts plating, etc.
Concerning chrome finishes, GPT's edge-cutting technologies laid a firm foundation for its production capability of Bright Chrome, Satin Chrome, Black Chrome, Titanium Chrome, etc. Regarding product quality control, GPT stands at the forefront of the industry.
While constantly creating value for the society, GPT also spares no effort to respond to the policy of Chinese government and embrace the idea of green production by continuously developing and applying environmentally-friendly plating technology and plated resin, minimizing emission and pollution as well as optimizing the disposal of industrial waste water, waste gas and residue.